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Solutions for a Sustainable Workforce
Collab Partners promote 21st century skills training to 11th & 12th graders and work alongside educators to build a specifc career pathway.
Career Jam Connect
A digital platform aligning educators & employers to build career pathways.
Student Career Awareness & Interest Surveys
Data that provides unique career exploration & future interest findings

Raise awareness and build an industry specific workforce pipeline.​
Typically, Collabs are hosted as stand-alone programs geared to meet the needs of the community.

A Tool to Organize Your Ecosystem
Find Resources
Grow Your Education & Employer Networks
Organize Working Groups
Share Best Practices
Coordinate Curriculum
Foster Collaboration
Organize Content by Career Cluster
Student Survey findings can be used for curriculum development, strategic planning, economic development attraction and retention.
Career Jam is partnering with the Siena College Research Institute to administer surveys designed to help us understand how your students' interests and activities may relate to skills needed for a broad range of jobs.
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